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Por Barbara

Albuquerque de Sousa



Por Barbara

Albuquerque de Sousa

unique wonderland

Created with passion, our products are made with great effort to not only have something that you will not see anywhere else, but also made with natural and ecologic materials.

Each one is made with love, care and with attention to detail. First it starts just as an idea, then on to conception, and finally to design. A digital design.

Then from digital do physical, to something you can touch and feel. Something you can see with your own eyes, and see if the creation is as you envision, as you desire

After a “yes, that is it”, we get what is called the master figure. Then it comes the post processing, lots of sanding and polishing, to make it perfect and ready for the next step, creating a mold.

Before starting this business, me and my husband already had experience with making molds. That knowledge came perfect for this, kind of like it was meant to be! So in this phase, we create molds from the master figure. This enables us to cast the original design into several materials, and in this case, into wax!

Now casting wax to a mold, is a world in it self, be it into a mold or a glass jar container.
 What wax or blend of waxes to use, which fragrance or essencial oil to use and in what amount, and at what temperature to pour them, what wick to use depending on the size, all of this requires a lot of testing and money.
 But the final result is worth it.

The candle comes to life and ready to be taken with care. How is packaged, how it can be protected and ready to ship.

Here the story continues with you.

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